Crazy kind of neighbor

My neighbor instead of watering the flowers, was now watering his air conditioning

My neighbor…some of his habits have me questioning his mental state, however he does all kinds of crazy things, from falling asleep with his head in potted plants, randomly digging holes in his yard to bury his shoes and occasionally mine, and 1 of his latest antics is climbing on top of his lake house to howl at the sky. He smells strong of alcohol, so that’s absolutely why, occasionally I look over at his lake house to see what he is up to. He always has the windows open, so it’s not hard to spy. Surprisingly, he was acting more normal this week, maybe he took some medication. For the next week or so, I didn’t pay much attention to what he was doing as I was busy setting up my new heat pump I had bought. I was having issues so I had to call a neighbor of mine who specialized in heating and cooling technology. This man’s advice helped me so much, and after more than 2 attempts I managed to get it to work. I decided to do some yard labor while I was outside, and beginning raking up some leaves. While I was outside, I decided to peek over his yard and see what he was doing. He was planting flowers and watering them. Aww that’s nice I thought, and proceeded with my yardwork. I started thinking maybe my neighbor has changed, after that I glanced over again and did a double take. My neighbor instead of watering the flowers, was now watering his air conditioning. I stared, but the scene in front of me did not change, and then he started to fumble with his pants and I decided now was a fine time to turn away. I had my unusual neighbor back.


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