Don’t forget to change the HVAC air filter

My wife and I split the household responsibilities evenly. We even swap chores once in a while if we get bored with something. It’s important to us to have a clean and well organized house. I always have liked that sense of accomplishment I get when I have completed all my chores and projects around the house. We have a friendly competition on who gets to the weekly and monthly chore finish line first. It goes back and forth. But, there is always something riding on it even if it’s just who makes who’s favorite dinner. It’s a much better way than all the guilt and yelling that I see about household stuff from other friends of mine. A task that has been mine from the start is all the HVAC stuff. Not like it’s all that much really. I take care of making the HVAC maintenance appointments. It’s not that big a deal to be around a couple of times a year so the professional HVAC people can keep our heating & cooling unit in great form. However, the other chore of the HVAC variety is something that I can struggle with. That would be making sure the HVAC air filter is changed. I know how important it is to not have a dirty and clogged HVAC air filter. This is how the HVAC unit breathes. So, it’s vital to have a clean air filter in there every month. I’ve finally gotten a system of phone and computer alerts that won’t let me forget to change the air filters anymore. Plus, I always hated losing the monthly chore race because I forgot to change the blasted HVAC air filter.


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