Father lays down the Heating & A/C law

I can believe the weight of the summer time time electric bill hanging around our neck like a barbell.

Then there is the knot in our stomach to make even a little bit worse.

The summer time is upon us & the utility budget is about to get massacred. It makes myself and others ill to believe about how much it costs us each afternoon to keep the house cool using the Heating & A/C. But, it dawned upon myself and others that maybe I should quit being passive & try to do something to split the Heating & A/C costs. I took an hour & went online to learn some easy DIY stuff to help mitigate the Heating & A/C costs. It starts with myself and others being very vigilant about the Heating & A/C setting. I’m putting in a smart control component however until then, I will be guarding that thing tightly. I then made sure that I had a extreme word with our children regarding the control component setting & Heating & A/C in general. They are completely oblivious when it comes to what it costs to maintain a house. The Heating & A/C behavior they exhibit is certainly galling. There are sliding door left ajar all the time. I’ve even come beach house to find the front door wide open with the Heating & A/C laboring overtime attempting to cool the entire outdoors. This just wouldn’t do so, I told them that there will now be accountability. The people I was with and I have a fairly elaborate security camera system on the inside & outside of our home. I have begun to review this footage when I suspect poor Heating & A/C behavior. Then, I am fining the children. It is more the principle of the thing more than anything else. I just want them to honestly be extreme about lessening the load on the Heating & A/C.

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