HVAC Solutions Downtown

This one time many years ago I lived downtown.

  • This was when I was young and I wanted to be near everything downtown, predictably though the place itself was tiny! It was the size of a closet pretty much, however I got used to it because that after all was what I asked for.

Now of course the weather here can sometimes be all over the temperature range. Now, you would have thought that because our place was so small, with small windows and low ceilings and small rooms and so on, that when I would need to heat or cool the site, it would happen in a minute- and that was true! In the summer time, say, I would turn on the air conditioning, and in the winter I could turn on the heater, and within minutes I’d be perfectly snug in our furnace or chilled out! But, as I found out, even that has negatives too. The thing was, the Heating, Ventilation, and A/C component in that building was not a perfect match for all the sizes of individual housing units and heat or cold traps that invariably parts of a building are going to have. In the case of my unit, it could heat up so fast that it would then turn itself off before the furnace had the chance to add moisture back into the air, and our place would be really dry in the winter as a result. Not to worry, but what did I do? I got my own little space heater and a dehumidifier. By doing this I soon had the perfect service for when it wasn’t too cold, but meanwhile when it did get super cold I would just blast the central heating, because then the dry air was the last thing I was worrying about then.



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