Looking for a little air conditioning

My husband and I were having some difficulties with our air conditioning unit, a couple of weeks ago. We knew that we couldn’t afford to have the air conditioner fixed, so we were looking for other alternatives. Our cottage was really small so we weren’t looking for anything big. We knew that if we got a portable air conditioning unit, we should be more than comfortable. The air conditioning unit we chose worked by putting a small amount of water into the chamber and the water would blow out in a cool mist. We had a major problem with this because it was already humid in the house and this was only giving out more humidity. The other problem was that we were only getting the cool air as far out as the cool mist was going. We would end up right back where we were, without air conditioning, when we moved. We hadn’t spent much money on the portable air conditioner so we thought we could look for something else. We hadn’t given much thought to the fact that summer was quickly dwindling away. Along with the loss of summer, we wouldn’t need air conditioning. Since air conditioning wouldn’t be needed, we could cost without it for a couple of weeks. My husband started to groan when he suddenly realized that our heating and air conditioning was all a part of the same integrated unit. We still needed to have repairs made to the HVAC unit before we needed it for the heating. We decided to put our pennies back so we could save the money to have the repairs made to the HVAC within a couple of weeks.

Propane boiler

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