My brand current air conditioner isn’t working!

I’ll admit, I can be quite frugal when it comes to cash; Maybe that’s because I’ve never had cash growing up, so every dime I got I massively saved and almost never spent, however i remember just finding a dollar would make our day as a child.

I think this can be a great thing though, as now that I am an adult, I am genuinely careful with what I buy. I constantly make sure that I do typical research before buying anything, and try to find the cheapest deal available, then which is why when I had a current air conditioner installed, I figured I was making the right decision. It was the same model of air conditioner of our past , however brand new, and the Heating and A/C specialist assured me that it would start working soon, however after waiting an minute of still no cooling air, I began to wonder if it was ever going to start working. This was really bad, as every one of us are currently having a major heat wave going throughout the country, and the un-even temperatures were easily making it to the late 90s and even past 100. I was really start to get nervous, and I called the Heating and A/C supplier who once again assured me it should start working soon; After a day of it not working, I called and complained however they had the nerve to say that I must have tampered with it! I was pretty irritated by now, however I realized that I had to stay over at a friend’s site, or otherwise I was going to be cooked alive if I stayed in our apartment any longer! After the heat wave, I was going to deal with that Heating and A/C corporation.

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