My space oil furnace is making a lot of sounds

I dislike it when our space oil furnace in the residing room stops working properly. My space oil furnace is literally one of our number one things in our home. There is nothing overly extravagant about our space heater. Honestly, it is just a cheap radiant oil-filled space oil furnace that I bought from the regular grocery store. However, the service that the space oil furnace provides for our lake house is priceless. My lake house is very drafty, & I can know the cold air the most in the residing room. Where the thermostat is in our house, you can know the heat from the oil furnace. However, near the windows & the door of our home, you can tell that the two of us are losing a lot of heat to the outdoors, & our lake house feels cold, especially when I am trying to relax in the residing room. That is why I bought the space heater. When I turn the space oil furnace on while the two of us were in the day, it warms up our residing room enough to make it comfortable, however since the space oil furnace is just the radiating kind, it doesn’t dry the air out in the room, & the space oil furnace is small enough to not get in the way while the two of us were in the day. I used this space oil furnace for an entire year, & I was ready for another Winter with this space heater. However, when I turned on the space heater, I noticed that it was making some strange electrical whining noise. This was especially noticeable when I turned the space oil furnace on the highest setting. I hope that our space oil furnace isn’t cutting down already.


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