The thermostat was constantly changing

I thought I was just overreacting! However, I tossed and I turned for 45 minutes before I went back to the control component.

I took our child up north to visit her Grandmother. We had a nice time and we really liked having quality time together plus exploring somewhere that we hardly ever get to go. The whole trip was fun, but one thing was difficult. I was worried that my child wouldn’t be able to sleep through the night or that she might throw a tantrum or something. But neither of those things happened. Instead of that, I had a battle with the temperature control component across from our bedroom upstairs. Before I put our child to bed, I set the control component to 71 degrees. When I went to bed myself a few minutes later, I left the control component set right where it was because I felt comfortable. But after falling asleep though, I woke up feeling too warm. But our daughter’s room monitor told me that it was 70 degrees in her bedroom. So I just turned on our overhead ceiling fan and I just tried to go back to sleepi. I thought I was just overreacting! However, I tossed and I turned for 45 minutes before I went back to the control component. That’s when I saw that it was set to 85 degrees again! Thankfully, the outside temperature never rose higher than 70 degrees, or every one of us would have roasted overnight! The control component was programmed to not run at night. That’s because nobody ever slept in those spare rooms at our Grandma’s house. The HVAC professional had programmed it for her because she didn’t know how to change it. So the whole weekend I was constantly lowering the temperature on the control component because it was constantly changing!



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