Air conditioning is non-negotiable at sorority recruitment

I’ve been in my sorority for several years and it’s been an absolutely amazing experience.

  • Not only have I gained a multitude of professional experiences that will be directly applicable in the workforce, but I’ve met some extremely wonderful people along the way.

What I hate the most is sorority recruitment. Last year the air conditioning broke on the very first day, which also happens to be the busiest. The air conditioning in the ballrooms we were using was working overtime since recruitment happens at the tail end of summer. I was told that the maintenance crew did not clean the air filters or clean the air ducts prior to the recruitment event starting, so I can imagine that the HVAC system experienced some sort of a back up. The minute that the air conditioning stopped working, you could feel the difference in the room filled with hundreds of loud and excited women. The technicians couldn’t get the air conditioning up and running so we ended up having to pause the entire recruitment. That AC delay set us back a whole two hours which naturally extended the event four hours for the day. For the remainder of recruitment, everyone was super worried that the air conditioning would break down again, so people started bringing fans and changes of clothes in case we had to work in the heat. It was such a nightmare, but we made it through and recruited some pretty awesome people. I’m excited to graduate soon and apply everything that I’ve learned through that experience. It’s something I won’t forget.

Air conditioner service

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