My boyfriend installed new filters in the air conditioning units

I moved into a new apartment a few months ago and my boyfriend has been really helpful in helping me get some things done to make it a comfortable living experience for me.

Because I moved into an older apartment, there were quite a few things that needed support. One of the first things he made sure that I did was make sure my air conditioning system was running well because I have the worst sinus issues. The last apartment that I was in had central air conditioning so whenever I needed to change the filter I simply swapped it out underneath the unit. This apartment has window AC units, and for some reason I always assumed they didn’t have a filtration system. I was wrong and found that they have really simple filters that can be swapped out right in the front of the units. My boyfriend bought me a few filters to last me a while and swapped them all out for me. I have three window AC units in the whole apartment. Luckily those filters don’t cost a lot of money, so I pretty much have enough to last me the entire year I plan to be here. I’m happy we did that because with allergy season coming up, I definitely want to ensure my air quality is pristine. He’s helped me with some other tasks around the apartment too, and it’s starting to feel like home. I still need a few pieces of furniture and some rugs, but I think the space will be really nice once it’s all put together!


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