Should you turn off your air conditioning when you aren't home?

Many homeowners think the best way to save money on cooling costs is to turn that blasting air conditioner off when they are not at home.

But there’s a better way. Turning your temperature up instead of completely off will save you more money on cooling costs. Increasing the temperature up seven to 10 degrees while you are away for the day is better because it protects your home from mold and bugs, saves money, and keeps you comfortable. Turning off your air conditioner can cause your home’s indoor humidity levels to soar, and invite gross humidity-loving intruders – mold and bugs. Your air conditioner doesn’t just cool your air; it also dehumidifies. So when you turn your air conditioner completely off, it won’t take long for the humidity to soar to nearly 60%, which is unfortunately ideal for mold growth and bug infestations. But, if you turn the temperature control up that seven to 10 degrees, your air conditioner will come on sometimes to control the indoor humidity and maintain a healthy humidity level between 45 and 50-percent. No one likes coming home to a stuffy house, but that’s what will happen if you turn your air conditioner off. You can also save 10-percent on cooling costs through the summer by keeping your temperature control on. Raising the temperature decreases the difference between the outside and inside temperature, which lowers your air conditioner’s workload, saving energy. If you aren’t sure if you can remember to raise the temperature every day, consider investing in a programmable temperature control. These can change the temperature automatically for you; you’ll never have to remember to do it.
energy saving tips

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