Signing up with a personal trainer

Once I started to lose weight and improve muscle tone, I got excited and even more motivated.

I’ve always kept myself in fairly good shape. I’ve never been overweight and consistently made an effort to be physically active. When my boyfriend proposed, and I started planning our wedding, I decided to take my workouts to the next level. I wanted to look my best in my wedding gown and the photographs. I wanted to feel good about wearing a bikini on our honeymoon. It was important to me that I begin this new chapter of my life at my personal best. I knew that to elevate my exercise program, I needed the help of a professional. I checked the bulletin board at the gym and found advertisements for personal trainers. Reading through their bios, there was one who I felt would be the perfect fit. I called the guy and we sat down for a consultation. I explained my goals and he warned me that he would be demanding and have high expectations. I believed that I was in decent enough condition that the more strenuous workouts wouldn’t be a problem. After the first training session, I could barely get out of my car. I whimpered walking up the stairs and slathered my whole body with icy-hot. It took extreme determination to return to the gym a couple of days later. The whole first month of training was excruciating. Once I started to lose weight and improve muscle tone, I got excited and even more motivated. I loved that the personal trainer introduced new exercises all the time, pushed me to my limits and accepted no excuses. By the time of my wedding, I was a brand new person. I was so happy with the results that I’ve continued to workout with the same personal trainer for the last three years.
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