The great outdoors and hiking comes with a few setbacks

Hiking is amazing, the scenery and new things you discover are priceless.

There are ups and downs to hiking unlike anything, cold times and hot times too.

There are dangerous trails like the Appalachian and there are not so dangerous trails like Boulder in the west. There are blisters, some risk of injury and small risk of serious dangerous animal encounters when you hike. There are many things about nature that draw us in, but some of the beauty can be deceiving. We usually loved our hikes and came back after long hot days to hangout by the campgrounds. We swam, cooled off, dried our clothes and got the next day planned out. We loved being together, we had an old cabin with red brick and old heating and cooling equipment too. The heater shook and made noise, sometimes the air conditioner would take a while to start up and then it would stop again. We got used to the soreness and the sweating times of the hikes and loved coming back and cooling off with our old air conditioner. We got to love the old place and the old heating and cooling equipment too. We never had any big issues with anything breaking until we threw a big summer picnic and ironically the air conditioner went out when we needed it most. It took three days for the air conditioner to get fixed and it was well worth it, we were gonna be there for another two weeks on a big hiking trip. We had to be maybe three hours away from the nearest air conditioning repair company.

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