We needed a new space heater after ours broke down

My boyfriend and I have been dating for several months and it has been really great.

We have such a great connection with each other.

I really feel like I have found my twin flame. We have so much fun together too. The other night we were messing around and accidentally knocked my space heater onto the ground. The heater burst open and smoke began to rise up. I screamed in disbelief, but also in agony because my grandmother gifted me that space heater before she passed away last year. As odd as it may be, that little space heater really felt like it was the last thing that I had that connected me to her. After I got over it, I looked up the nearest hardware store to get a new space heater. We headed over to the store and browsed all the heaters they had. I was surprised to see how much the technology had improved for space heaters since having the one my grandmother gave me. I chose a space heater that actually oscillated, which I don’t think I’ve ever seen with a heater before. The heater also had multiple heating settings and an ability to filter air as well. My boyfriend was really kind throughout the process. I thought he would find it silly that I was so emotional about it, but he was really understanding and sensitive to my needs. I’m so grateful to have him a part of my life. He’s everything to me, and I’m excited to learn more and grow with him.
Smart thermostat

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