What keeps air conditioning bills high?

There’s nothing like a home-cooked meal, but using ovens and stoves produce heat.

Air conditioners remove heat, but the more heat you put into your home, the more they have to work, resulting in higher utility bills.

Grilling some meals outside, trying some meals that don’t require cooking, and only using your oven or stove in the evenings when it is cooler outside will help to decrease costs. Like your oven range, when you use your dryers also jack up energy bills. When the weather permits, hang dry your clothes. Not only does this save on your energy costs, but your clothes will last longer. Heat also soaks through your windows. Blinds can reduce the incoming heat by up to 45-percent, but most of us leave our blinds open all day, every day, even while we’re away from home. Instead, close your blinds. If you’re home and want the sunshine, at least try to keep any west- and south-facing windows covered. Gone for eight hours or more a day? Leaving your temperature control at the same setting all afternoon can become expensive. Instead, use a programmable temperature control that automatically increases the temperature when you leave and cools before you get home. This is a great solution to lower the cost of your energy usage every week.


heating and cooling equipment

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