After multiple mornings of school, my kids were sent house because the air conditioner broke

I was so excited when my multiple ladies finally went back to school.

I adore having them around, but it can get hectic while I was in the Summer.

Especially balancing a full-time job as well as multiple kids that both of us have to keep entertained for multiple months. My hubby and I do what both of us can. We consistently method a family getaway while I was in the Summer for them. Additionally, both of us sign them up for weekly camps, gymnastic classes, and more, where they get to run around, play and enjoy their Summer. There were some mornings when they were house and I made sure that I had lots of games, arts and crafts, as well as other things for them to do. My preferred pastime with them is baking. And both of us obtained a cake pop equipment for them, so both of us spent lots of time baking this Summer. We experimented with so several weird types of cake pops and most importantly, the ladies loved every minute of it. However, now that school is back in session, I think less pressure and I can return to a normal schedule. So, you can imagine how bothered I was when after multiple mornings of school, they were sent house early because the air conditioner broke down. Of course, I don’t want my kids resting inside a hot classroom, so that was the right decision to send them home. And I am entirely grateful that they go to a school that has air conditioning. There are so several schools that still have not installed air conditioners, which means that those kids are forced to learn in hot classrooms. Nobody benefits from resting in heat trying their best to pay attention. Anyway, I am now homeschooling my kids until the school can get the air conditioner fixed. Wish me luck.

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