Cooling down outside this week

This week is the first of March plus the weather is pretty darn cold out.

I suppose this month is going to be quite cool, which is fine with me because the summer time is going to be really warm when August comes around.

It really doesn’t get silly warm until the end of August, so my pal and I still have about three more months of mediocre weather until the real heat comes here. It will be warm until the middle of November plus then it will shift to the cooler side of things plus my pal and I will gear up for another winter. My heating devices are all boxed up now because my pal and I don’t need any heating in the flat anymore. My pal and I should have some low power bills for the next three months plus be able to save some cash in the bank to spend my money for those high bills that will come in August plus November. I will run the air conditioning system device every afternoon plus night because the humidity is really high plus my pal and I like to keep the weather conditions control system on plus windows closed for the summer time to keep the air dry in the flat. The power bills won’t be as high as the winter so it won’t be a giant deal staying comfy in the summertime compared to the winter. The electric boiler costs a lot more to heat the flat up in the winter as opposed to cooling it down in the summer, so my pal and I will try to get a little buffer in the bank so that my pal and I can spend my money the heating bills when winter arrives.


smart thermostat

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