Heat wave causes air conditioning to crash city-wide

My sister recently moved to a booming Northern metropolitan city and she really hasn’t enjoyed the move. Growing up in a very Southern climate, her body is not used to those wicked cold Winter temperatures. She moved there for a job that she only plans to stay at for a few years. The city ended up experiencing a massive heat wave that led them into a city-wide shut down due to the air conditioners overworking and taking up energy. My sister said that her air conditioner was working so hard that she had to keep turning it off and resetting it to charge up its energy. Even then most air conditioners kept shutting down, and energy from the rest of the house began to shut down. She had a mini portable air conditioner that she was able to use for a little while, but once the city decided to shut down its energy completely to reserve power, she was a little out of luck. It wasn’t projected that people would begin to use their air conditioners again until the following day, or possibly until the next. Many businesses had to shut down during the energy shut down since working conditions were no longer safe without any air conditioning. It’s amazing how much change for people when air conditioning is no longer accessible. Stuff like that people won’t take for granted moving forward. I can’t wait for my sister to move back home because I know she feels miserable there. She plans to stay there for a year or two and then make her way back home.



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