Hurricane causes debris in outside Heating & A/C component – no power

I live in an area of the country that gets very bad storms during the summer, most areas of the country don’t get this kind of weather so it’s hard for them to relate when I talk about how bad the weather can get in my area.

  • Well, about 2 weeks ago both of us had a bad storm that left us without power for a few days! I knew that I was going to be in trouble because I didn’t prepare correctly for this storm, then on top of the power being out for a few days, both of us also found out that our Heating & A/C plan wasn’t toiling.

I thought at first it was because the power went out that our Heating & A/C plan however it was because our Heating & A/C plan was honestly broken. Our Heating & A/C component fan sits outside the home in the backyard, however so when the storm came through it was impacted by debris from the wind and rain. Well, once both of us were able to figure this out, I knew both of us were going to have to replace the Heating & A/C fan that was outside. It never would have crossed my mind to try and protect the outside portion of our Heating & A/C system, however I guess I should have taken it into consideration, and going forward I will always make sure that our outdoor Heating & A/C plan is covered and protected when a bad storm is coming our way. I very don’t want this to happen again, it was an upscale mistake.

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