I didn’t want to go to the doctor

The staff wasn’t overly friendly, they just had a nonchalant ‘I do not care’ kind of attitude that seemed like they didn’t want to be there and so it just made it even more dreaded for me.

I think I can speak for the most of us when I say that not many people like going to dentist’s appointments, however they can be awkward, embarrassing, and depending on the state of your health even terrifying, but especially if you are expecting disappointing news, but I have been having some pain in my shoulder for several weeks now every time I exercise I could not pinpoint the exact cause of it and so my fiance suggested I go and see a doctor for it, but as if I wasn’t already bad enough, when I arrived at the office to see the doctor the staff and environment didn’t help my nervousness at all. The staff wasn’t overly friendly, they just had a nonchalant ‘I do not care’ kind of attitude that seemed like they didn’t want to be there and so it just made it even more dreaded for me. I was at least hoping to get some nice cool air from the a/c plan however nope, I could not have that either. I looked up at the air vent only to see that there was no cool air coming out of it. I asked why at the front desk and they seemed unhappy by my question, but then told me that the age of the plan had stopped actually working a week ago and until they had it fixed and there would not be any heat or a/c. I guess the only good news that came out of this visit was that when I finally did get to see the doctor he told me that my shoulder was just strained for being over exercised and that I should rest it for a while, I was glad it was nothing serious however I would have been much happier if I could have had some A/C to help calm my nerves Normally the coolness can help soothe me.


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