I love working out in the gym as well as outdoors at a park

About 3 years ago, my husband and I joined a gym together.

We got a really good deal on a second membership.

In fact, it was half off for an entire year. So, it was a deal that we could not say no to. At first, we started out great and we worked out together every day, but I grew weary and working out was no longer fun for me. I believe it was a mixture of time and being in the same gym. I needed something else to motivate me to continue with my workout routine. Well, while working out one day, a young man approached us and asked if we ever took a bootcamp class. We told him no and he proceeded to offer us a free session at one of his classes. My husband and I loved the idea, so we went, and it ended up being an amazing workout. Unfortunately, the classes were a bit more expensive than my gym membership, and although I loved being outdoors, it was not worth the extra money that I would be paying. So, I kept my gym membership, but I found a way to make my workouts more exciting. I decided to go to the gym only twice per week and then, on the other days, I would go to the park and run or walk for a couple of hours. I enjoyed bootcamp so much because it was outside where I was able to see other people and stimulate my mind while being in nature. The gym is great because it has the equipment that I need to keep my body fit, but the outdoors is wonderful because it keeps my mind stimulated.

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