It’s difficult to understate the importance of indoor humidity control

My mother was suffering with asthma long before I was alive, however I really started to notice her symptoms getting worse when I was more than seven years old.

She would cough and wheeze whenever the people I was with and I made the decision to go for hikes or long walks across a massive parking lot in midday sunlight. She had to use an inhaler several times a day just to cope with the symptoms. Along with the inhaler, she took several prescription medications and a prescription nose spray as well for sinus inflammation. Some of her triggers were not just internal though. Allergens of any kind could become a severe lung and sinus irritant for our mother. Mold spores and growth falls under the category of the worst kind of dust sensitivity triggers; that’s in part why indoor humidity control is so incredibly pressing. If you don’t control humidity indoors, the airborne moisture will cause fungal growth to occur. When you have rampant fungal growth, anyone with sinus or respiratory dust sensitivities is going to notice its presence as it has a considerable impact on their ability to breathe. If you have a wonderful that dries your indoor venue while it cools, you will be fine. Otherwise you might want to consider buying a portable dehumidifier to use as a means to control your indoor humidity. You’ll notice a positive improvement in your overall dust sensitivity symptoms once you get this unique dust sensitivity addressed. Some dehumidifiers are so great that you can run a hose out the back into a floor drain so you have continual drainage of the water it pulls out of your indoor air. Otherwise you’re stuck emptying the water tank by hand each time the unit fills up to the top and turns itself off automatically.

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