Low maintenance

I am a very low-maintenance person but when it comes to my home I am not so low maintenance. I am low maintenance in the sense that I don’t go out and buy extensive name brand handbags and clothes. For my home I like to make sure that it is extravagant when I have family and friends over. I love going to second hand stores and buying decor and making it look extravagant. To me a home is something that you can create and make it your own and that is the joy than I get from having the opportunity to do that. For my birthday I always ask for things that can increase my home’s value or decor items. My husband has heard me rave about adding radiant heating floors to our current heating system. There are so many benefits that I can think of that can make our home 10 times better than it already is. For example waking up on a cold and snowy morning and getting out of bed and putting our feet on cold hardwood floors is something that is so unenjoyable. Now imagine waking up on a cold snowy morning getting out of bed and feeling the warmth on your feet from the radiant heating floors! Radiant heating floors is an add on and cost a few thousand dollars. But I think it’s a really great investment in the long run and something that our guests can enjoy when they stay over. So this year for my birthday despite what all the other girls get like name brand purses and watches, I got radiant heating floors for my home! My husband had a heating and cooling technician secretively come to our home while I was at work and install them! This was one of the greatest birthday presents I have received!
heating corp

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