Two air filters don’t work well

HVAC customers do a lot of home engineering on their heating and air conditioning system before calling the HvAC company.

  • Once they feel they have exhausted their options, they then call me for repair.

I have seen some really odd things people have done to try to fix their HVAc systems. I have found duct tape, safety pins, paper clips and even toothpicks. I ran into several customers who thought that zip ties would be a good fix for their air conditioning or heating. Trust me when I tell you that zip ties will not hold your equipment together. The other week, I found something I had never seen before. I was called to a house because the air conditioning wasn’t working well and their air quality was diminishing. I usually speak to the homeowner prior to making any repairs so I can get an idea of what was happening. When she told me about the air quality and the lack of airflow from the air vents, the first thing I checked was the air filters. Dirty air filters can be the cause of many problems in the HVAC system. I called the homeowner outside to ask if she knew there were two air filters in the AC unit. She told me that they had several animals and she wanted to stop the dander, hair and odors that were getting into the air. I told her that doubling the air filters was stopping the airflow. I changed the air filter and I told her about special air filters she could purchase that were made for people who had several animals. I also gave her an air filter that I had in the service van.

HVAC tune-up

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