Working my dream HVAC job

After working for a few hours in my office I would head down to the work cafeteria my friends are always telling me about and get an ice cold drink to take back and enjoy in my ice cold room.

I have always dreamed about having a job where I was able to work inside ever since I started my job working in construction over ten years ago. Don’t get me wrong I am thankful for my job doing hard labor and I have made lifelong friends while working here, but this type of job can be extremely brutal and difficult at times. Sometimes while I am working I will even have dreams about being in one of those tiny offices that people work in and having my air conditioning unit set to 65 degrees. After working for a few hours in my office I would head down to the work cafeteria my friends are always telling me about and get an ice cold drink to take back and enjoy in my ice cold room. Even if I had a problem with the A/C unit I could go to my college’s offices that have A/C units, or just call the HVAC repair tech that works for the company. Can you imagine? Oh, a man can dream. The other day I actually overheard my boss talking about how they were going to need a few guys to switch roles into administration back at headquarters, and a lot of what I daydream about would be what I would be doing in that role. I’m not the most seasoned guy so I don’t know how likely it would be that I could land that job, but I am going to keep my fingers crossed



ductless hvac

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