Would cherish remote temperature control for visitors

Every relationship has its own necessary compromises for everyone to be glad, and mine is no different; My hubby is severely social and cares about to have people around all the time; I’m a bit of an introvert, to say the least.

That’s why it’s so difficult when she decides to invite people over and I have to get over my own discomfort to be a superb hostess… I try my best, but there are times that I just want to hide from the guests and be alone.

That’s one reason why I would cherish to get remote temperature control for our current home. There are so numerous times that I excuse myself to go be alone, but realize that the temperature upstairs in my dining room is strangely uncomfortable. I get too sad and embarrassed to walk out and change the temperature control, especially because I’ve usually told our guests that I’m headed to bed. Because I don’t want to get caught fiddling with the temperature controls, I just rest in my room and suffer in uncomfortable air conditions until the coast is clear. If my buddy and I had a remote controlled temperature control, on the other hand, I could actually rectify the temperature disparity with the click of a button on my smart phone. I wouldn’t have to leave my room to adjust the temperature control, and I would have nothing to be embarrassed about. The guests would be none-the-wiser to my temperature control adjustment, and I could relax a little easier in the perfect air quality settings for my dining room hideaway.

more information at this link

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