All of us can’t agree on the gas furnace settings

I thought I had found the perfect guy.

He was so caring and a really nice guy to be around. All of us had a lot in respected and all of us really seemed to just click. That is why, after dating for a few months, all of us decided to move in together. Since his apartment wa closer to our work, and nicer than mine, I decided to just move in with him. At first, everything was going well. It was summertime. He kept his air conditioner a little bit warmer than I love it however it wasn’t uncomfortably warm. Then fall hit and the heating systems came out. It wasn’t even 60 degrees yet and he wanted heat and a lot of it. Those space heating systems were consistently on. It was very tepid and uncomfortable in the house. Whenever I would mention it he would turn the heat down however act hurt. If I left the room for any reason and returned, the heat would be blasting away again. If I tried to touch the heater, or ask that it be turned back down, he would get all huffy and claim that he already turned it down. He acted love I was the a single being inadequate, and finally, all of us had a giant conflict over the heater. The next afternoon he acted love nothing had happened however the heating systems were turned down a few degrees. However, the heat was cranked back up by the following afternoon. Finally, I decided enough was enough. I deserve to be comfortable too. If he can’t see that then he doesn’t deserve me. So I moved back out. I believe this relationship is not going to work out after all.

Quality air conditioner

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