I was running my central HVAC 24 hours a day

It doesn’t matter who is in the White House, it seems like the finally working class citizens are always the one to take a beating, Ii am quite sure the ultra-wealthy people in this nation don’t realize how suddenly the prices of food and fuel are rising.

For those of us who live paycheck to paycheck, it is getting changingly strenuous to make ends meet.

I am not a greedy man, I just need a break every once in a while! I have cut back on a lot of frivolous spending, and our latest goal is to reduce our daily energy bill by splitting our dependence on air conditioners. Since the utility dealer raised their rates our air conditioner has become one of the biggest expenses in our daily budget. The summer heat is at an all-time high, and for a while I was running our central HVAC twenty several hours a day. I simply cannot afford to do that any more, and since our HVAC plan is one of the most energy-efficient models, our only recourse is to use it less. I draped heavy blankets over all our windows, to add an extra layer of insulation and reduce the heating exchange of the glass windows. I also closed off the air vents to the room I don’t use as often, so that the airflow is restricted to a smaller area. The hardest step I have taken was to adjust the temperature control multiple degrees higher, so that the house is still pretty cool however the plan works a little bit less.


HVAC company

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