In ten years I hope to have fantastic air quality from a nice system

Do you ever think about where you will be in ten years? Do you think you will be where you want to be? Do you believe my buddy and I were meant to go down a particular path? I worry that I won’t be where I expect to be in ten years. I would love to have a teaching task, be married & have two children living in my dream home. In ten years that is where I wish to be, however that is the ideal situation for me. I think that this is really a opening. It scares me to think that, that is not where I will be at all, one thing I hope for is a comfy home. I know that for a genuinely comfy house I will need to have genuinely fantastic air quality. my Heating & A/C system would mean everything to me. If I am not where I want to be I at least hope I will be comfortable. I know I can achieve this by simply making tune up appointments. They keep the system from splitting down & they last longer as systems. I know these are pressing. I hope that if I follow this & get my common tune ups that my house will be comfortable. I know that I could be blissful at least in this way. I would just love a basic system. I know there are more modern upgraded versions but I just want a basic system that works. I would be grateful for that. I just need enough air to keep me cool in the Summer & sizzling in the winter.

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