My allergies aren’t nearly as bad now

Ever since I was a kid, I have suffered from seasonal allergies. Seasonal allergies can attack our body and make us feel symptoms that can be very serious at times. Some of the most common things to cause allergies are tree and grass pollen, dust mites, animal dander, and certain smells or chemicals. Symptoms of an allergy or allergic reaction can include coughing, wheezing, runny nose, sneezing, itchy eyes, or even hives or a rash. When I was a kid, the seasonal allergy symptoms were really bad. I had to stay in the house when the flowers were blooming. As I got older, I wanted to go outside and hang out with my friends instead of spending all day in the house. Playing video games I’m watching movies was fun, but I wanted to ride my bike outside with my friends like everyone else in the neighborhood. My mom and dad took me to an allergy specialist. One thing that the specialist suggested was buying an air cleaning machine for my bedroom. Air cleaning machines were still very new back then. Today there are air purifiers and air cleaning machines of various sizes and shapes. My mom put that air purifier in my bedroom and ran the machine every single night. The air cleaning machine got rid of the pollen, dust, and animal dander and helped my allergy symptoms become more manageable. Now that I am an adult, my allergies aren’t nearly as bad as they were when I was a kid. I still have an air purifier in my bedroom and I run it every night.


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