My brother’s friends broke his air conditioner

My brother’s friends broke his air conditioner.

I don’t know why my brother chooses to have the worst friends, but he has always had some pretty bad friend groups.

I mean they aren’t into drugs or alcohol, but they love to vandalize, and they ruin so many nice things that my brother has. I would not be surprised if my brother doesn’t own anything nice anymore because he lets his friends borrow his things, and they never return them in the same condition. My brother let his best friend borrow his air conditioner for a few nights, and that was a huge mistake. My brother just bought the air conditioner about three weeks ago, but one of his friends was having someone stay the night in his apartment, and he wanted an air conditioner in the room that his guest was staying in. Well, my brother just let his best friend borrow his brand new air conditioner. I honestly thought that my brother would never see the air conditioner again. I am glad that I was wrong about that, but his air conditioner is now broken in two different places. The air conditioner still runs, but it looks awful. I want to feel bad for my brother, but he needs to learn to stop giving his nice things to his friends. His air conditioner was not a cheap one, and now, it is all banged up and broken. I want to buy him another air conditioner, but I don’t think that would help him in the long run. His poor air conditioner probably went through a lot with that friend of his.

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