They were doing HVAC repairs at my kids’ school while they were closed

While the school was closed down for winter break, they were supposed to be doing repairs on the HVAC system at the building.

I had heard them talking about this and having all kinds of discussions about this topic at different PTA meetings for months. Lots of times it even got into a heated argument. Many parents feel like the indoor air quality in the school building is really subpar, and everyone wants the school board to do something about it. After a lot of complaining and signing of petitions, they finally told us that they were going to do it. The one catch was the fact that they would have to hire a commercial HVAC company to come in and do the work over winter break while there were no students in the building. I guess that was a good idea because everyone seemed to agree with it. They found a commercial HVAC contractor for the job and the company seemed like a good one that would be dependable. I found out that the HVAC company was supposed to be starting on the job the day after the kids got out for winter break, but every time I drove by the school it didn’t look like there was anyone at all in the building. I started to wonder if they were ever going to get the job done at all. By the time winter break was over, I still had not seen any HVAC trucks around. It turned out that the HVAC contractor had taken the money and then he just ran away! I guess he wasn’t all that dependable after all!


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