Vacation rental with no AC

Me and my friend are going on our annual vacation, but this time I am making sure that I plan everything.

Last summer, my friend planned our vacation and just about everything went wrong.

For example, we stayed in a place that was a few blocks away from the beach. We had to walk about 20 minutes just to get to the beach. On top of that, the place she booked for us did not have any air conditioning. We ended up spending a lot of time in restaurants and movie theaters just to get a break from the sweltering temperatures and high humidity. It is really hard to enjoy yourself when you have no escape from the heat. That is why I made sure I was booking the place we stayed at. Even if you have fun all day long, the quality of the hotel makes a difference on how you enjoy the trip overall. I want to go back to a place where I can enjoy some air conditioning and get comfortable. I also want to be in charge of the entertainment. Going to the beach is fun, but it is important that we have some activities planned as well. So far, I have booked a guided tour of the city and tickets for an art museum. I’m also looking into getting us tickets to a concert.

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