What happened to my air conditioner?

What happened to my air conditioner? I am so upset with myself.

I cannot find my air conditioner.

I have no idea how I lost my air conditioner. I mean an air conditioner is a pretty large item to just lose. I have been looking for my air conditioner for a couple of days now, and it is nowhere to be found. I have looked in every place that I would normally store my air conditioner. I have literally stored my air conditioner in the same place for the past three years, but I checked in that place four different times, and there is no air conditioner there. I checked in the old place that I stored my air conditioner years and years ago, but the air conditioner wasn’t there either. I feel like I am losing it over this air conditioner. I seriously cannot wrap my mind around how I could possibly lose my air conditioner. My only other guess as to what happened to my air conditioner is that I let someone borrow it, and I don’t remember. I don’t think I have any sort of memory loss, so I think that I would remember if I let someone borrow my only air conditioner. I have no memories of letting someone borrow my air conditioner. I called my parents up and asked them if they remember seeing my air conditioner anywhere, but they did not remember. I called all of my closest friends up and asked them if they knew where my air conditioner was. They all had no idea where my air conditioner was. It is making me feel crazy. I just want to find my air conditioner!

whole home heating

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