When you go to that house, keep your neck covered.

The HVAC technicians in our company have a horrible way to indoctrinate new HVAC technicians.

  • If they were in a college fraternity, it would be something akin to hazing without the alcohol or dangerous stunts.

They would send the new HVAC technician to the ‘haunted’ house and have him do the furnace repairs and servicing. Before he left, they let him think there were ghosts and possibly vampires living in that house. There were old coffins in the basement, and sometimes the lids had opened on their own, just as the HVAC technician got there. I kept telling everyone they should do this to new HVAC techs. I was afraid they would have someone so scared that they wouldn’t go and would quit the job. That wouldn’t be fair to the new technician. They said that everyone went through it and if the new technician couldn’t handle it, then she shouldn’t be an HVAC technician. I shook my head and walked away. When the new HVAC technician came back that afternoon, she was flushed and had a bandaid on her neck. One of the older HVAC techs snickered and asked how her first time to the ‘haunted’ house went. She said she was dizzy, and all she could remember was someone grabbing her from behind and kissing her neck. She pulled off the bandaid to show to marks on her neck that looked like teeth marks. She winked at me and walked away. I heard her telling one of the other ‌technicians that the house was cool and it’s amazing what makeup can do to create bite marks.


ductless heat pump

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