You can’t plan for something like a mudslide

The last thing I expected was a mudslide.

Thank goodness I had evacuated with my family to a safer location, because a wall of mud, water, and falling trees had wiped my entire house off the side of the mountain! The foundation was still intact, so I could build again, but the structure itself had been swept away.

I have insurance for this very reason, so I would get more than enough money to build a new house. While I was starting from scratch, I decided that it was time to invest in a geothermal heat pump. I could never afford a geothermal heat pump before, but now I could, and I knew it would save me a lot of money over the next few years. For those readers who aren’t familiar, a geothermal heat pump is a machine that pulls energy from the earth itself, and stores it to power your home. This kind of heat pump doesn’t actually provide heating, but it can provide electricity for your HVAC system, and everything else you own. They are very expensive to purchase, but once you have a geothermal heat pump you essentially have “energy independence.” With this new kind of heating pump I won’t have to rely on the main power grid for the area, and I won’t have to pay the power company for electricity! I will never have to worry about a power outage or a blackout, because the geothermal heat pump can store power in cells to use later. I just hope we don’t ever have another mudslide.


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