Cooling systems in need of repair

I have an hour and a half to get my work done online and do my yoga session while listening to my Spanish podcast.

I think I can get this online stuff done in an hour and then get that yoga knocked out in time to make it to the beach.

I am meeting my buddy from Cali and we will hang out for a couple of hours and knock the ball around some. We played against one of the top pros yesterday and they waxed us 21 to 11, showing me that father time is winning the battle. HEPA filter cleaning is more my speed now at 55 years old, but we did win five games before playing the pros so it wasn’t a total loss of a day on the courts. I know that my HVAC rep buddy is still really good at volleyball and he is the same age as I am, but he won a few medals in the olympics so I think he has the right to be better than me at the sport. I am a middle level player but I still have a lot of fun playing the sport. I work most days for the cooling supplier and then go down to the beach to play some pickup games while the sun is heating the beach up. I win most of my games, but when I play the high caliber players like yesterday I usually end up on the losing side. I will go and clean my furnace filter now and then get out of here soon.

heating service

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