Can’t afford AC repair – cold water bottles in bed

When I was younger I remember how terrifying life was.

I was always living from paycheck to paycheck and barely scraping by.

If anything went wrong, I did not have the backup funds to take care of it. I was tiptoeing through life, hoping that I would not run into any obstacles… Which is unrealistic. Of course, there were always issues and I was always panicking because I could not take care of them. One of those issues was regularly my indoor air quality. I did not live in homes where I had high quality central heating, cooling, or air quality control systems. I was regularly suffering from uneven hot and cold patches throughout my residences, as well as low quality indoor air and high energy bills. The worst thing however, was when my air conditioning unit broke down completely. Obviously, I did not have the money to hire a professional heating, cooling, and air quality control technician at that point. It was a large centralized air-conditioning unit and I knew that the repair expenses would be considerable. As such, I tried to come up with alternative ways to cool my indoor air and my body. Unfortunately, I found that ventilation fans did not really help with these efforts. No matter how many box fans were blowing hot air around the apartment it did not feel any better. That’s when I started utilizing water to keep myself cool at night. Since I didn’t have a/c, I would take bottles of water and freeze them during the day. At night I would throw the water bottles in my bed and hope that they would keep me a few degrees cooler without any proper air conditioning or ventilation. I do not miss being a broke kid.
Electric heating system

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