My house was cold because my HVAC was in need of a repair

Last Winter, I noticed that my heating system didn’t seem to be heating as efficiently as it should be.

Since it was so cold, we kept turning the thermostat up to try to heat up our whole home, but even though it was turned up as high as it could go, our home was still frigid even though our heating system was running, and it was making lots of noise, and I called our local Heating and A/C contractor and described the problem, and they sent out a specialist the next morning, then he tested our heating system and said that it seemed to be now working correctly, but after inspecting our HVAC duct he realized what the problem was.

In our forced-air heating system, many of the connections between ducts were starting to wear down, meaning that the hot air from our heating system was escaping through the ducts and seeping into our attic and between the walls of our house, resulting in an over working heating system, and yet still a cold house, this situation was harshly inefficient, and all of the work that our heating system was doing was not being put to good use. I had never seen a higher heating bill, but fortunately, after the maintenance that the Heating and A/C specialist performed on our system, our bill returned to a normal amount the following month. He even made some suggestions to replace our home with energy efficient windows, and new seals around doors and windows, and after making these small changes, I was able to save hundreds on the heating bill each month! Who knew that my money was literally flying out of the cracks in our home!

Cooling corporation

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