After everyone harassed me about moving to the south, hotter here

I really hate coming back home.

Not only are their stressful family dynamics and terrible memories wrapped up in this location, but the people up here are just stupid.

Sometimes I forget what kind of country bumpkins I used to reside with. The people in this area are simply uneducated and ignorant human beings. They make me very angry with their small-minded, racist views. Not to mention their unfounded opinions that they feel entitled to express. Whenever I tell people up here that I currently live in the south, they respond the same way. “It’s too hot there, I could never survive in that humidity.” I understand what they’re saying, but they obviously haven’t visited my climate. There’s no doubt, the summer time in my current city is oppressively hot. There are several months when you don’t want to be outside in the day, because the outdoor heat is overwhelming. You can’t wait to get back to the safety of your central cooling system after you’ve spent more than 30 seconds standing in the blaring sun. However, as long as you have an air conditioning system, there’s really nothing to complain about. Personally, I’m happier living there and using my AC unit than I ever was living up north. The funniest part, in my opinion, is how similar the two hot environments are that global warming has become so severe. The last time I was visiting up north and people were trash-talking my hot and humid life in the south, I could only laugh. Did they seriously not realize it was actually hotter in their home town than in mine!


furnace/heater installation

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