Every time he goes on YouTube, he calls the presenter a moron.

My husband has become a YouTuber.

  • Whenever he has questions or a problem he cannot figure out, he turns to YouTube.

He is very picky about the videos that he watches. He wants to make sure the people who are presenting give the answers he wants, are well spoken, and reliable. Most of the time, when he is on YouTube, he is trying to get a problem solved that has to do with electronics. Before my husband retired 10 years ago, he was an electronics engineer, but things have changed drastically in the last 10 years. If the person who’s doing the presentation on YouTube does not tell him exactly what he wants to hear, he ends up calling him a moron. I have to laugh, because this happens every time he looks for answers. His latest question was on how to rebuild a window air conditioning unit. Our daughter did housecleaning for a living. When someone moved and abandoned all their property, they hired my daughter to come in and remove everything. If there was something that she felt was worth keeping, she could sell it for extra money, or keep it for herself. She brought a window air conditioner home for her dad. He wanted to tear the air conditioning unit apart, clean it thoroughly, and replace the air filter. Since it was an AC unit he was not familiar with, he went on YouTube. The YouTuber turned out to be a moron; in my husband’s words. He decided to just tear everything apart and try fixing the AC unit on his own. He grumbled ‌it was a free AC unit that didn’t work now, so he had nothing to lose.

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