Heating prices are on the rise

Unless you have been living in a cave away from society, chances are, you have heard the news about the rising cost of everything.

And now that it’s almost Winter, the news cycle has been focusing on the rising costs of heating our homes this Winter.

Some reports claim that the cost will increase by 18%. It is a known fact that depending on what area of the country you live in, it will cost more to heat your homes than it does to cool them down. That’s because the Heating & Air Conditioning system uses more energy due to the brutal Winter time rapidly decreasing temperatures. In the Summer, if the outside temperature is 90 degrees, you may have your air conditioning set to 72 degrees, which is a 20 degree difference. But in the Winter, if the outside temperature is 35 degrees, & your temperature control is set on 65 degrees, that’s a 30 degree difference, which means the Heating & Air Conditioning unit will work harder to keep the house comfortable. And now that some people are already experiencing low rapidly decreasing temperatures early in the season, they can expect to spend money even more this year. Some homeowners have opted not to use their central heating in the Winter time & are opting for portable heating devices instead, however personally, I live in the Southern area of the country, & the Winters here have been pretty mild. So, I don’t use our heat a lot while in the colder months. I spend more money to cool our cabin than I do to heat it. But regardless, I too saw an increase this past Summer in our energy bill, so I am hoping that our Winter time will remain mild this year.
electric furnace

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