I never thought much of Christmas until I met my wife

For a long time, I didn’t enjoy the Christmas holiday very much.

I always felt left out during this holiday and I was lucky if I even got one toy or anything at all.

When I became older and eventually got married, my wife was way more into it than I was. I told her the story of my youth and how it was a time that I never really got anything. I would actually get yelled at if I said I wanted anything special. My parents only got me things that I needed, and that wasn’t a terrible thing. I was at least grateful that I had a roof over my head and clothes to wear, but most of my clothes came from the thrift store. Even though friends of mine said I had it bad, I didn’t necessarily believe that because there were people in much worse circumstances like homeless people, or people who are disabled, and people who get injured in war. I never had to deal with anything like that, so I remained thankful, I just didn’t care much for Christmas because it didn’t have a special meaning to me. Well, my wife was able to help change that. We suddenly started going with her tradition and I was overwhelmed with all the gifts she got me the first Christmas we spent together. She got me some really nice work boots, a smart thermostat, and a UV air purifier. That honestly was the best Christmas I ever had, and ever since I kept the tradition with her, suddenly Christmas did mean something to me. It seems ridiculous to buy expensive presents for people, but it kind of feels good to do it. I love my smart thermostat and UV air purifier, and I want to be able to make my wife happy with nice things too.
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