Is it really camping if HVAC is involved

I tend to be a bit of a purist in my passions. Seems to me if you’re going to be into something then you should be into the nature of the thing. I’m very much that way when it comes to one of my most cherished pursuits. I love nature and getting out in it really helps me find balance in my life. Like many others, I am off early to work and then home late with just enough time to put my feet up in the HVAC before it’s time for bed. This is not a routine I can stick to non-stop. That’s where nature comes in. When I was a kid, my dad would snatch all of us up and whisk us out of the HVAC comfort of the house for a tent in the woods. That man always knew the most beautiful spots. It was such a great way to grow up and I think it bonded us to our parents in a really special way. My kids are not like that. They would much prefer to stay in the HVAC comfort of home and play video games. I don’t resent them for that because that is just sort of the norm these days. Yet, I worry a bit that they are not getting exposed to the sort of quiet, calm and balance that being in nature provides. Whenever I want to go on a camping trip, I get all sorts of pushback from the rest of the family. Nobody wants to leave the HVAC comfort for a tent. So, I even went as far as car camping at remote campgrounds. That didn’t fly either. So now I have to rent a cabin with HVAC to get them out of the house.

ductless HVAC

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