Just out of HVAC school

I’m glad I didn’t play too many sports last night because my body was easily tired and needed rest.

Some of my friends were playing last night on the beach and I came just to watch.

But finally I caved in and played two games, which was not too bad because we played three on three and it is a lot easier than two on two, but so today I am not feeling too bad like some afternoons when I wake up and feel like a train ran over me the night before. The teams had a few heating and cooling reps playing on each side and the teams were pretty good, as a group of HVAC techs were in a city from another city and they were easily nice players at one point in their lives. They were a bit out of shape but you could tell that they played at or near the pro level at one point in their lives. When I was a new HVAC serviceman just out of HVAC school I was playing the AA level and would periodically jump into the pro level to test my skills, but my cooling contractor kept me quite stressed with work so I couldn’t practice enough to get to the top level. I am happy with making it to the AA level, considering that I didn’t start playing the sport till I was 25 years old. Anyway, I am going to do a little air duct cleaning job now and then see if I can get some nice temperature control by the sea on my bike ride.

Ductless multi split

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