My furnace just couldn’t keep up with the cold weather

My furnace just couldn’t keep up with the cold weather that we had a few weeks ago.

  • It was terrible.

It got down to about forty degrees in my house a few of those nights. I am thankful that it never got below freezing in my house because I would not have known what to do. I don’t know if there is something wrong with my furnace or what. My furnace works fine when it is above twenty degrees outside, but whenever the temperature dips below twenty degrees, it gets super cold in my house. I have asked friends and family if their houses get that cold when the temperature dips below twenty degrees, and they told me that they don’t. I just don’t understand why my furnace can’t keep up when it gets that cold, but it can heat the house just fine if it is above twenty degrees. If it is above twenty degrees outside, my furnace can keep my house at seventy-five degrees with no issues, but as soon as it dips down below twenty degrees outside, my house quickly drops temrapture. I am glad that I have a gas stove because I am able to turn the gas stove on whenever it gets that cold in the house, and the gas stove will help warm the house a little bit. I may need to replace my furnace soon, but I honestly don’t know if I have the money to replace my furnace. I am going to wait and see if my furnace can make it another winter before seriously considering getting a new furnace.

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