The air conditioner in my car has a funny smell

I thought that maybe a mouse crawled up in the car somehow and died and that was causing the smell, but I could not find any evidence of a mouse or any other creature.

The air conditioner in my car has a funny smell. I don’t know what is going on with the air conditioner in my car, but it is getting so smelly that I think I may have to do something about it. I don’t know if I want to take my car to a mechanic just to take a look at what is causing the smell in my air conditioner because it will be so pricey. I also don’t know what to look for myself. I did take a look inside my car to make sure the smell that seemed to be coming from the air conditioning system wasn’t just something rotting in my car, but I did not find anything. I keep my car very clean, and I never leave trash or food in it, so I knew that it wasn’t something like that. I did double check just to make sure though. The thing is, my car doesn’t smell until I turn the air conditioning on. If I turn the air conditioning off, my car stops smelling again. I thought that maybe a mouse crawled up in the car somehow and died and that was causing the smell, but I could not find any evidence of a mouse or any other creature. I just really want to find out what is causing the stink in my air conditioner. My dad is not much of a mechanic, but he told me that he would come over and take a look at the HVAC system in my car. He is an HVAC technician, but he said that he has never done any type of HVAC work on a car before.

a/c corporation

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