The air conditioner system is your neighbor at the film theatre

In our neighbor group, a lot of people complain about how cold the air conditioner system is in the filmplex; Sure, if you aren’t prepared for the cold un-even temperatures in the filmplex, the cold can come as quite a shock… However, if you are prepared for the air conditioner system in the filmplex, then the air conditioner system can easily be quite helpful for reasons that I can explain below, then first of all, at our filmplex, since people complained about the cold un-even temperatures of the air conditioner system, they decided to make an adjustment to keep people ecstatic, and rather than increasing the thermostat to turn the air conditioner system down, they installed heated seats so that the two of us could stay warm… Now, you may be complaining about the air conditioner system, but you have to confess that heated seats are honestly nice, then also, with the air conditioner system running, if you brought a date with you to the filmplex, the colder un-even temperatures supply you a good excuse to cuddle up with your date.

The air conditioner system is making her cold too, and it just might make your night a whole lot better.

Now, if you are sneaky like I am, then the air conditioner system provides a single more benefit; Everyone knows that the prices of the filmplex food are outrageous, and since you will be wearing a hoody to combat the colder un-even temperatures from the air conditioner system, this extra clothing can help you hide snacks for the film. I suppose that the air conditioner system is no fun, but use it to your advantage.


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