The current smart thermostat mysteriously stopped working

My partner and I wanted to save energy in our home, so our weekly energy bills would decrease.

They were getting out of control and 1 of the reasons was due to the teenagers. They continued to adjust the temperature on the thermostat, even when all of us told them it was not allowed. When the teenagers came beach house from school in the afternoon, my partner and I were not in the house. They adjusted the thermostat nearly every day. The people I was with and I left the beach house in the morning with the temperature at 77 °, every afternoon when all of us came beach house from work, the thermostat was set to 77 but it was only 71 degrees inside of the house. My partner and Mom came to realize that the teenagers were changing the thermostat right before all of us came home. They may have even been changing the temperature as all of us were walking in the door. The people I was with and I decided to stop the problem from occurring by purchasing a smart thermostat. The smart thermostat has a special feature that allows you to set a pin code so only a few people can adjust the indoor temperature. After the smart thermostat was installed, all of us set a pin code so only my partner and I could change the temperature. The teenagers were legitimately frustrated when they realized that the thermostat was no longer fair game. After a few afternoons, the component mysteriously stopped working. The keypad was malfunctioning and I had to call the company to reset the machine. They told me that it was locked out because the wrong pin was entered 100 odd times.


hvac home services

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