The Gas Company Sent A Brochure

My spouse has consistently been the 1 to manage our mail because he’s also in charge of paying the bills.

Occasionally, I’ll grab the mail from the mailbox if I’m going for a walk, but respectfully, he will grab it.

I rarely see what’s coming in the mail unless it’s personally delivered to me or I catch a glimpse of it on the desk, however yesterday, I saw something that I had never seen before though. It was a small brochure from the gas supplier that came with our bi-weekly gas bill and what grabbed our attention about it was the topic. The entire brochure flaunted ways to reduce energy consumption while running your Heating and Air Conditioning system. I was certainly interested in this topic because I was usually the 1 who controlled our control device settings. My spouse never complained about our energy consumption, but I was consistently interested in improving our ways and saving currency. As I study the brochure, I found out that most homes used 42% of their energy consumption on heating and cooling their home. This was way higher than I was expecting! When I study this number, it made me want to save even more currency on our bi-weekly energy consumption because that seemed like a lot. I wrote down a detailed list with all the tips and tricks and I was determined to put it to use. I wanted to beginning saving more currency while running our Heating and Air Conditioning proposal and this was the perfect opportunity! I’m going to beginning collecting these brochures from our spouse when they come in the mail.


The Gas Company Sent A Brochure

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